Sunday, November 16, 2008

The scoop on dirt.

As we come to end of the year and the leaves are falling from the trees, we can begin to think about some of the improvements we can make to our landscape or garden areas.
The fall is a great time to amend the soil. If you have cleared out your garden area now is the perfect time to add compost and other soil amendments to enrich the soil for spring planting. Adding them now versus in the spring will give the soil a chance to settle in and not make the soil to "hot " to plant in by amending to close to planting time.

Some basic soil amendments are: composted hen manure, mushroom compost, worm castings, or your own compost as long as it is broken down and will not take eliments out of you soil to continue the composting process. The trick about compost is the odor. If it is a strong odor it needs to "cook" longer. Good compost smells like dirt. Good luck and dig deep.